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The Cardinal Virtues - Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance

  • Pocket

  • 2005

  • Engelsk

Richard J. Regan''s new translation of texts from Thomas Aquinas'' Summa Theologica II–II--on the virtues prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance--combines accuracy with an accessibility unmatched by previous presentations of these texts. While remaining true to Aquinas'' Latin and preserving a question-and-answer format, the translation judiciously omits references and citations unessential to the primary argument. It thereby clears a path through the original especially suitable for beginning students of Aquinas. Regan''s Introduction carefully situates Aquinas'' analysis of these virtues within the greater ethical system of the Summa Theologica, and each selection is introduced by a thoughtful headnote. A glossary of key terms and a select bibliography are also included.

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