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Scandinavian Perspectives on Management Consulting

  • Pocket

  • 2005

  • Engelsk

This book focuses on the importance of methodology for ensuring quality in the field of consulting. The book introduces a wide range of methodologies for interventions and some how to check-lists for both the provider and the buyer of consulting services. Scandinavian perspectives on management consulting is meant to provide the reader with a healthy scepticism towards the profession of consulting as well as an understanding of the roles of the consultant. This means that the buyer needs to understand what he is buying, what to be wary of, and how to evaluate process, outcome, and professional relationship. The provider needs to understand what he is selling and what the customer is looking for, and above all, understand the importance of adopting a scientific approach to the services he is providing. In addition to being a valuable source of insight for the buyers and the providers of consulting services, Scandinavian perspectives on management consulting is also well suited for management students, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

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